After the success of our New Years eve party we set out to do a series of parties at significant points in the calendar where time shifts, and they’ve proved to be successful so far, each reaching capacity for the venue with great feedback. We started with ‘SPRING FORWARD‘ as the clocks went forward an hour, we celebrated the Solstice with ‘SOLSTISH‘ and now Summer is over, the clocks are going back an hour and the longer nights are upon us, we’re throwing a masked party to mark the next shift in time to Winter ‘HELLOWEEN – WHEN TIME REWINDS’. We have a special late night guest this time around, DJ JAPHY, who will be taking the dancefloor through the first dark hours of winter with the club suitably decorated for the eve of the eve of Hallloween. The flyers for the event, to be found around Hastings and St.Leonards, will be your mask for the night and tickets will be available HERE.